Decoplas™ extrusion labelling technology

■ Tube description
The GREEN tube “Machu Picchu” is a Ø 50 mm Decoplas™ extruded tube, flexography printed and produced on Aisa’s DXL 120 machine.
■ Composition
One hundred percent polyolefin tube. The OPP/PE film is easy to decorate and thin enough to keep the tube fully recyclable in the PE stream.

■ Our solution

Decoplas™ is a unique technology which combines standard tube extrusion with innovative labelling decoration.
We produce the tube body with a label already decorated by a flat-printing process, and welded onto the plastic extruded sleeve. The thin polyethylene-based label can have a PET or OPP film, with or without barriers, on the surface. Labels are metallised, transparent or white before printing. The tube bounceback can be adjusted by selecting different extrusion material densities.
By moving the decoration out of the extrusion tube line Decoplas™ offers improved flexibility and high productivity.