Technology for recycling plastic waste

Home > Machinery > Technologies > IPRA™

What is it?

IPRA™ machine technology allows to directly convert plastic waste into a usable product, making it an efficient solution. Examples of products include items like wine posts, signalling poles, and planks that can be used to build urban furniture or pallets.


In partnership with REPLACE, Aisa France developed and manufactures the IPRA™ machine.

REPLACE provides an alternative solution for non-recyclable composite plastics, considering that incineration or landfill deposition are currently the only available options.

In the circular economy, we transform plastic-based multi-material waste into useful, competitive, recyclable products that can be used locally.


Decreasing the carbon footprint of the plastics industry, the Replace business model has undergone rigorous optimisation measures at every level, as evidenced by a validated life cycle analysis.

REPLACE is a French company selected as one of the 1000 solutions for changing the world accredited by Bertrand Piccard’s Solar Impulse Foundation.

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