Customer satisfaction is a core value of Aisa, for more than 60 years. The entire team is working hard to fulfill our clients’ requests, anticipate their needs and solve any issue as quickly as possible.Last summer, we contacted more than 600 contact persons among our customers to collect their opinion and thoughtful feedbacks about our Customer ServiceHere are the main results:Overall, 96% of the responders are satisfied with Aisa service. We are very proud of these positive results, especially as we can see significant progress from the last survey conducted in 2018.Passion for tubes is running in Aisa veins for more than half a century, and we aim to be the reference in the market. We are pleased that 93% of responders are highly likely or likely to recommend Aisa to contacts within the industry.Covid-19 period was challenging for all of us, and we wanted to know how we managed. 89% were happy with the service level provided.
Looking at the services offered by Aisa, satisfaction is particularly high when it comes to technical support (95%), troubleshooting (94%), and tooling quality (94%). Other criteria which scored high was the quality of the relationship with the Aisa contact person (91%). The clarity of our documents was also noted (90%) as well as the request processing speed (87%). We are particularly proud of these numbers, as we do our utmost to deliver a high-quality service to our customers. A strong relationship is unconditional in our vision of the service, and we are glad that our clients feel it.We would like to thank again all our customers who take part in this survey. Each feedback is important to us and will be considered to enhance the way we work together and the services we deliver.Feel free to share with us your opinion anytime at